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Saturday, 18 March 2017

Feature that can make a developer Unique among all over the globe

A web developer is a person who has complete knowledge related to the computer, websites and its designing. The companies hire talented web developers in Dubai and all over the world. The professional developer has following skills

Photoshop illustration

Photoshop is a core part of web developing. The web developer has the complete knowledge of this software. By using the Photoshop he can
•    Read dimensions
•    Pull out colors
•    Translate design
•    Understand layers
•    Interpret website and product mock-ups.
Those who want to get higher in the field do much practice so that the companies hire them because of the talent.

HTML command

Hypertext markup language is the heart of the website.  The HTML is used for creating the structure or architecture of the website.  The person having the skill can help in
•    Creating HTML from the scratch files
•    Follow industry naming conversation
•    Use HTML template
•    Incorporate latest HTML tags.
The person learns and practices to get the full command on it.


By learning file transfer protocol the person can
•    Understands the way that how server put HTML and CSS file on world wide web.
•    Updates a site
•    Can understand older FTP
•    Add a life to a website.
It is important that the person having web developing art must know full knowledge of FTP.


Cascading style sheet (CSS) takes the HTML  and provides it the facelift.
It provides the fancy look or decoration to the website. The person having knowledge of the CSS give a beautiful and decent look to the website and make it attractive. The person can
•    Create CSS from the scratch
•    Manipulate logo and design
•    Follow the conventions for industry
The software use for this purpose is CSS processor Sass.


Git is the system of creating a new code without losing the previous work. The person can download the code from the Git Hub website. It is an important part of writing the code of the website. The web developer must be able to
•    Create a Git repository
•    Push and pull code
•    Branch, clone, merge and folk code
•    Resolve conflicts
•    Contribute to open source on Git Hub.

Bug testing

The skillful web developer is able to find out the bugs in his code and can remove them. It is important because the bugs can create a problem and may remove the important data present. The talented person can catch these bugs from HTML, CSS,  javascript and across the mobile devices.
It is good to develop the bug testing to improve the system and keep away from the issues.
It is the duty of web developer to keep his knowledge up to date and practice more to get higher ratings in the field.

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